
Os nossos mestrados são criados para ampliar o seu conhecimento aprofundado, melhorar a sua rede de contatos e entregar sinalizadores de excelência para o seu destaque profissional. Temos a certeza que você será um profissional de excelência quando decidir por ingressar em nosso mestrado.

Conheça a opinião de mestrandos, mestres e professores da Ambra University e certifique-se da nossa excelência do ensino na Ambra University.

Marcus Abreu de Magalhães

Marcus Magalhães possui graduação em Direito pela Universidade de Brasília e graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade de Brasília. Atualmente é juiz de direito no Poder Judiciário em Mato Grosso do Sul. Experiência em Direito e Economia, com ênfase em Direito, Auditoria e Compliance.


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Luciana Severo

Luciana Severo é – Mediadora Judicial e Privada, Sócia na Acrópole Câmara Privada de Mediação e Conciliação. 

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Fernando De Faveri

Fernando é delegado de polícia civil de Santa Catarina e professor de criminologia no Centro Universitário de Brusque.

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Karen Sturmer

The quality of the program is spectacular. The fact that the program is online with this level of excellence surprised me and the program raised in my evaluation criteria."

Karen Sturmer é advogada, sócia no escritório QDS Advogadas, atuando com direito do consumidor, direito administrativo e penal, especialmente crimes do colarinho branco e ações civis públicas.

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Carlo Barbieri

Carlo Barbieri é CEO do Oxford Group nos Estados Unidos da América. 

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Rafael Schveitzer

Rafael Schveitzer é Operational Manager e mestrando na Ambra University.

Entrevista realizada na Ambra Conference.

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Juliana Souza

Juliana Souza é Procuradora do Município de Sorocaba, Presidente da Comissão de Advocacia Pública da OAB/Sorocaba e Especialista em Direito Público.

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Pedro Bolivar

Pedro Bolivar é consultor de empresas e advogado conectando os mundos de gestão, compliance e direito em suas consultorias para grandes empresas do Brasil, EUA e países europeus.

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Betina Costa

Betina Costa é mediadora, consultora e advogada. Betina participou e palestrou na Ambra Conference e concedeu entrevista ao diretor acadêmico Alfredo Freitas.

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Frank Gilberto

Franck Gilberto é Advogado, Professor e Consultor Jurídico. Frank é especialista em direito bancário, direito processual civil e direito empresarial.

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Nelson Chiteco Júnior

Nelson Chiteco Júnior é Advogado empresarial, consultor e mediador de conflitos.

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Jéssica Resende

Mestranda em gestão. Jéssica é gestora, consultora e professora de gestão e finanças. 

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Ney Campos

Ney Campos é Empresário e Advogado em Araguari e Uberlândia – MG.

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Adriane Maragno

Adrianne é mediadora, conciliadora, graduada em Direito pela Instituição Toledo de Ensino, Membro do Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem e atualmente mediadora no Instituto de Mediação Imediate. 

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Elizandro Brollo

Elizandro Brollo é auditor do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Paraná.

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Sérgio Lauria Ferreira

Sérgio Lauria Ferreira é Procurador Regional da República.

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Alessandra de Lima

A advogada Alessandra de Lima Oliveira, mestranda no Mestrado em Ciências Jurídicas com ênfase em Resolução de Conflitos da Ambra University, visitou a sede da Ambra em Orlando e aproveitou para contar como tem sido sua experiência com o mestrado.

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Rafael Gomes

Rafael Gomes é advogado, consultor e professor de direito e cursa mestrado em direito com ênfase em resolução de conflitos.

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Arinéia Macedo

Arinéia Macedo é servidora da polícia civil do Amazonas, Especialista em Processo Judiciário Penal pela ESA-AM e  mestranda na área de direito internacional no Mestrado em Ciências Jurídicas.

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Amanda Gomes

Amanda Gomes foi entrevistada durante a Ambra Conference em Orlando. Amanda é advogada, mediadora, consultora e professora.

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Lúcia Ramalho

Lucia Ramalho é magistrada no Tribunal de Justiça da Paraíba. 

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Júlia Tibúrcio

Júlia Tibúrcio é Advogada, especialista em Direito Processual e Material e Mestranda em Compliance.

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Alne Landim é Advogada, especialista em Direito Civil e Processual Civil, Direito Previdenciário, MBA em Direito Empresarial e Mestranda em Resolução de Conflitos

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Alexandre Mendes é Juiz de Direito do Estado de Mato Grosso. Atuou como Promotor de Justiça no Estado do Tocantins e advogado. 

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Alex Cavalcante é Advogado, Empresário e Mestrando em Compliance.

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Advogado. Especialista em Direito Tributário. Especialista em Gestão em Direito Empresarial. Mestrando em Direito pela Ambra University-USA.

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Amanda Carniel é Advogada, especialista em Advocacia do Direito Digital e Mestranda na Ambra University 

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Mediadora Judicial pelo TJPR. Analista Comportamental DISC. Assessora de Juiz na Vara de Família. Mestranda na Ambra em Ciências Jurídicas com ênfase em métodos adequados de solução de conflitos.

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Allan Vargas Ganz

Allan é Advogado e professor de graduação em estágio na Ambra University. 

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Ana Carolina atua na advocacia em contencioso e consultivo trabalhista no ramo de logística e transporte. 

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Paulo Ricardo

Paulo Ricardo é Advogado e Empresário. Atua com consultoria em gestão de riscos em investimentos com clientes do segmento empresarial de médio e grande porte.

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Professores e Disciplinas

Professor Fenando Meneguin


O professor Fernando Meneguin comenta sobre a disciplina de Direito e Economia que também chamamos de Law and Economics.

Professor Felipe Asensi

O professor Felipe possui experiência como docente em diversas instituições do Brasil em níveis de graduação e pós-graduação e está atuando na Ambra University na graduação e pós-graduação na escola de direito.

Professor Doutor Ederson Porto


O professor Ederson Porto comenta sobre a disciplina de Compliance.

Professor Doutor Tiago Odon

O professor Tiago Odon comenta sobre sua atuação docente na Ambra University.

Professor Doutor DALTON CUSCIANO

Conheça a visão do Professor Dalton Cusciano sobre o ensino na Ambra University.

Professor Doutor Douglas Castro

O professor Douglas é docente na Ambra e líder do Law Center for Advanced Studies in International Law and Politics (CAS-ILP).

CAP Method®

The teaching method that is
revolutionizing American education!

Our methodology is grounded in three pillars: the development of Competencies (C), formative assessment (A), and deliberate Practice (P); so that we can deliver all the benefits of academic learning to your professional development.

The CAP Method® is the teaching method developed by Ambra that provides excellence in the teaching-learning process for both distance and in-person education.

This methodology is registered as a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

We understand the
challenges to find
the right institution:

Lack of

All institutions claim to offer quality education.

Low academic

Low academic rigor and professors who are not well qualified.

Lack of

Lack of individualized guidance by professors and advisors that do not advise.


Uninterested and inexperienced classmates.


Academic excellence is restricted to large urban areas.


Lack of flexible schedule, compromising fixed blocks of time.

Ambra University solves all these challenges

become exclusive

Join the exclusive group of professionals and scholars that master theory and practice in their field.

build Authority

Make your competition irrelevant in technical discussions and confirm yourself as an authority by publishing papers.

acquire knowledge

Master the advanced theory and professional practice in your field.

You, at your whole intellectual
and professional potential!

How does it work?


to the desired


Study for one month with no
financial risk and decide
if you would like to continue.


Receive premium online higher education on your schedule, in Portuguese, with an American degree.

Licensing and Accreditation

Ambra University is
an American university licensed by the
Commission for Independent Education
Florida Department of Education
(license CIE-4001)


We have been in the market for over fourteen years, providing premium distance education.


90% of classes at Ambra University have from 10 to 20 students.


Below there are some organizations that trust Ambra University
for the education of their members

Watch when the Florida Department of Education
approved Ambra University to
change from "college" to "university."

Our professor will know you by name, and you will learn.

Many institutions offer programs composed mainly of recorded classes with little or no interaction between students and professors. If any interaction exists, it is usually reactive and done by tutors who do not hold the same credentials nor have the same experience as the professor who recorded the classes. Those programs are intended for massive audiences. Their main objective is to distribute the same content to hundreds of students, focusing on broadcasting content, diluting costs, and profit by economies of scale.

Those courses add little in terms of deep learning because they do not offer feedback from the content producer to students. 

In the end, courses like that frustrate students who search for differentiation and deep knowledge. They end up dropping out with the feeling that they have wasted time and money.

Ambra University believes in the effective interaction between student and professor, teaching this way through the Internet for over ten years. As a result, we know the ways for you to have a premium educational experience.

We gather professors of excellence who provide you with individualized guidance in deep and high-level discussions, utilizing the CAP Method®.

Throughout our programs of study, you will be impressed with your intellectual growth, how you will network with your classmates and professors, and the new professional opportunities that will open to you.

By earning a university degree that most of its graduates are excellent professionals, the market will assume that you are excellent.

It is tough to stand out professionally after earning a degree from an institution that most of its graduates are low-quality professionals, even when you are an outlier.

People and companies tend to simplify choosing professionals and assume that your abilities will be similar to other professionals from the same institution where you graduated.

Namely, suppose you earn a degree from a massive institution that graduates many low-quality professionals. In that case, you will forever carry the stigma that you are a low-quality professional unless you prove it otherwise.

Ambra University understands this phenomenon and invests so that only high potential professionals are accepted through the application process, pass through our learning process of excellence, and finish the academic program as a professional that stands out.

Students and graduates at Ambra University are, by default, excellent professionals. When you graduate from Ambra, you will be recognized as belonging to a select group of professionals that are differentiated as a general rule.

What are you looking for: information or education?

A graduate program must offer not only content but also in-depth training and knowledge for your time and financial investment to pay off.

To find out if you will be investing in something that will only offer you information/content, just ask the following 4 questions:

1) Who are the professors?

If you liked the quality of the professors, then proceed with the following questions:

2) Will these professors know me by name?

3) Will I have the opportunity to meet with these professors live to ask questions regularly throughout the program?

4) How is the teaching-learning process (teaching methods and procedures and monitoring among students, professors, and the institution)?

In addition to being satisfied with the quality of the professors, these professors must get to know you and be able to give you individual assistance in a structured and planned teaching-learning process. Otherwise, you will be joining a mass course focused on selling content in scale. The people listed as professors in courses like that act only as content producers. They do not provide feedback and constant monitoring to students. This is not higher education, but only information.

Know in what you are investing. Content and information alone are widely disseminated and available in the information age. The best content producers in the world offer access to their content at a very low cost or even free. You can access great content at low or no cost on platforms like Khan Academy, Coursera, EdX, Masterclass, and so many others.

That is, you do not need to invest in higher education at any level just to have access to excellent information or content!

At Ambra University, you will be investing in excellent training with constant contact with professors, and not just content.

Our Premium
commitment to you

Small classes with frequent guidance.

Professors of excellence who will know you by name.

Classmates who are engaged in learning and relevant networking.

Publish papers to confirm your authority.

Very high intellectual growth for you to stand out professionally.

Try out the first month of classes with no financial risks.

In-person workshops
in Orlando

During our master's programs, you have the option to
attend in-person workshops in Orlando.

The workshops are optional, charged separately, and
have a duration of 1 to 2 weeks.

Downtown Orlando

Ambra University is physically located for ten years in the same address in downtown Orlando and goes through annual in-person inspection by the Florida Department of Education.

Our offices are located at Executive Suites at 37 North Orange Avenue Suite 500, and the headquarters offer dedicated office, conference rooms, lounge, kitchen, restrooms, and count with technical and administrative support to students. Check out the entrance of the building where Ambra is located.

Ambra programs are primarily through the Internet, and in-person events occur in the conference centers of hotels in Orlando.


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Empreendendo e Investindo nos EUA