Prof. Devt. in Compliance
Formação online com certificação internacional, discussões ao vivo em turmas de até 25 alunos e acompanhamento por professor com vasta experiência profissional e doutorado.
Prof. Devt. in Compliance
Formação online com certificação internacional, discussões ao vivo em turmas de até 25 alunos e acompanhamento por professor com vasta experiência profissional e doutorado.
6 horas de aulas gravadas
28 horas de encontros ao vivo
20 hours of reading
45 hours of practical activities
Datas a definir
(10 weeks)
online professional training with live encounters in classes of 25 students
professor with broad professional experience and doctorate
3 opções de investimento: Curso online, Live Training ou certificação de Expert
Throughout the ten weeks of the course, you will have at least one live group encounter per week.
We limit our classes to up to 25 students to guarantee high-level and personalized discussions.
The professional training professor conducts the live encounters, answers your questions, and grades your coursework.
Éderson Porto, PhD.
Sócio do escritório Porto, Ustárroz & Dall’Agnol Advogados; mais de 20 anos de experiência na advocacia nas áreas de tributário, compliance, governança e startups; professor do mestrado profissional em direito da empresa e dos negócios da Unisinos; autor de diversos livros; pós-doutorado, Visiting Scholar, na UC Berkeley School of Law; doutorado em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS; Mestrado em direito pela UFRGS; Bacharelado em direito pela PUC-RS.
Obras do professor
Course content
Noção de Corporate Law. Introdução ao clássico problema de agência. Noção de Governança Corporativa. Relações e distinções entre Governança Corporativa e Compliance.
Evolução Histórica. Fase pré-compliance (Criação do Banco Central Americano, New Deal, SEC, Bretton Woods, Prudential Securities). Fase de surgimento do Compliance e determinações da SEC. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) e U.K. Bribery Act. Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Dodd-Frank Act. Modelo OCDE.
International Standardization Organization (ISO). Estrutura de um programa de integridade. Criação e interações com o Código de Ética. Compliance Officer. Relações entre o profissional de compliance e outras estruturas corporativas.
Breve exame da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa (Lei n° 8.429/92).Estudo da Lei Anticorrupção (Lei n° 12.846/2013) e Regulamento (Decreto n° 8.420/2015). Lei das Estatais (Lei n° 13.303/2016) e Regulamento (Decreto n° 8.945/2016).
Noções de boas práticas de Governança Corporativa. Princípios de Governança. Estruturas de governança. Instrumentos de Governança. Controle de riscos.
Cumprimento da legislação tributária. Transparência fiscal e compliance. Cumprimento das obrigações tributárias principais e acessórias. Custo de conformidade.
Conceito. Evolução no mundo. O programa de denúncia no Brasil.
Identificação de sistemas de avaliação do programa de integridade. Monitoramento e medição. Avaliação e Análise. Avaliação da efetividade do programa.
Tuition Options
* A opção de Curso online é oferecida pela Eagle Qualificação Profissional em parceria com a Ambra University e também conta com os 7 dias de experiência. Esta opção está sempre aberta para matrícula e não é necessário passar por processo seletivo.
* In the Certificate of Expert option, the certificate of completion is issued only for students who eventually do not receive a passing grade in the graded practical activities.
Apply to one
of the 25 seats.
Study for one week
with no financial risk.
*Only for those accepted in the application process.
Curse a formação via
Internet de sua casa, no seu tempo e em português.
Offered by
Licensing and Accreditation
American university licensed by the
Commission for Independent Education
Florida Department of Education
(license CIE-4001)
We have been in the market for over fourteen years, providing premium distance education.
90% of classes at Ambra University have from 10 to 20 students.
Sim. Na opção Curso Online, o aluno recebe um certificado digital de participação emitido pela Eagle Qualificação Profissional.
Yes. In the Live Training option, the student receives a digital certificate of completion (click here to see the certificate of completion).
In the Certificate of Expert option, students who achieve a passing grade in the practical activities receive a digital Certificate of Expert (click here to see the Certificate of Expert). If the student of the Certificate of Expert option does not achieve a passing grade in the practical activities, they will receive a certificate of completion.
A professional training is a short-term, high-level online course that combines content exposure with individualized instruction and guidance aimed at professional development and updating.
No. This is not a graduate program or graduate certificate but a continuing education course aiming at professional development and updating.
Should you be interested in a graduate program, please check out the options of master's programs offered by Ambra University.
A formação é ofertada integralmente em português.
Yes, you will have access to the content of your edition of the professional training for one year from the first day of classes.
Yes, it is necessary to have completed a bachelor's degree to apply for the Live Training or the Certificate of Expert options.
Yes, there is an application process for the Live Training and Certificate of Expert options. It is necessary to submit digital copies of admission documents and fill in the admission form. In addition, at Ambra's discretion, it may be required to interview via Webconference.
You will need to send us scanned copies of the following documents for the Live Training and Certificate of Expert options:
- Government photo ID
- Completed admission form – template provided by Ambra.
Digitalizações devem seguir os padrões explicados neste link.
No. Although the acceptance of credits is a decision of the institution receiving the credits, the student should not expect to transfer the professional training hours to any other course or program.
The Certificate of Expert practical work is evaluated in two types of activities: a written paper of 15 to 30 pages and a debate or oral presentation.
Those approved in the application process start the course and have up to 1 week to cancel their enrollment and receive a full refund of all amounts paid for the training.
No cancellations are accepted after the first week of classes.
It is possible to cancel your enrollment during the entire first week of professional training and receive a refund of all amounts paid.
After the first week, it is no longer possible to cancel enrollment in the professional training, and there are no options to suspend the activities.
No. As the course count on the professor's supervision, the professor will only be available during the ten weeks of the training, and the live sessions will only take place on the pre-scheduled dates and times.
To find out the dates and times of the live sessions, check out the application process rules or contact Ambra.
À vista no cartão de crédito, boleto ou PIX ou parcelado em até 6x com juro no cartão de crédito.
Payments must be made before the class start date.
You will sign up for a continuing education course at Ambra University with no enrollment link to any degree program.
You will have access to all course content and recordings for one year from the training start date. For example, for a course that started on February 13, 2023, you will have access to the content until February 12, 2024.
In the Certificate of Expert option, you must participate in live sessions with graded activities, such as oral presentations or case debates, depending on the training. The day and time of these sessions must be pre-scheduled in the first weeks of the training within the options available in the schedule. The other live sessions are optional; you can watch the recording if you cannot attend them live.
In the Live Training option, students are free to participate or not in any live session.
37 N. Orange Ave 5th floor
Orlando, FL 32801
e-mail: [email protected]
press: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +1 (407) 800-9729
Phone: +1 (866) 782-6272
University licensed by the
Commission for Independent Education
Florida Department of Education
License #4001
Master of Science in Legal Studies
Master of Science in Compliance
Master of Science in Dispute Resolution
Master of Science in Management
Master's in ESG
Mestrado em Finanças & Wealth Management
Master's in Law and Technology
Master's in International Law
Mestrado em Ministério Público
Master's in Business Administration
Publisher: Ambra University Press
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Prof. Devt. in Strategic Management
Prof. Devt. in Corporate Governance
Prof. Devt. in Mediation
Prof. Devt. in Negotiation & Conciliation
Prof. Devt. in Innovation and Digital Transformation
Prof. Devt. in Organizations, Commerce, and New Tendencies in International Law
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